3D Printed Surprise Coffin by 3DGeex
Printed On Bambu Lab X1-Carbon Using Filament eSun PLA+
Printed without Supports, Printed without Rafts, Infill 20 %
It comes with 2 skeletons - a good guy and a bad guy, and several cover types . The coffin is a print-in-place with 3MF files included with a very small amount of waste , But you can color it with a regular printer as well by switching colors mid-print!
Please read the instructions:
The MF skeleton requires supports only under his hands, create some manual supports for this (Although it might print well without)
Coffin: No supports, No Brim, Very good adhesion is needed and be careful of warping if you don't have enclosed printer. If you print using AMS - you can disable prime tower to save some filament.
Mattress: Create a custom support for part of the lower area if it falls. Do not print it laying down as quality will be worse.
Covers - All require supports for the bottom, with AMS you can remove prime tower.
For all coloring with a regular printer you can swap filaments mid-print to get same results.