3D Printed Bad Avocado - Valentine's Edition by 3DGeex
Printed On Bambu Lab X1-Carbon Using Filament eSun PLA+
Printed without Supports, Printed without Rafts, Infill 20 %
He's back! Bad Avocado Valentine's Day Edition 🥑
I will be releasing 2 versions with the next one coming tomorrow! This dude has a secret threaded core that can hold a Ring, some other surprise or - obviously a middle finger 😅
There are 2 fronts one clean and one with a built in ring holder, If you need a different ring size just print the clean version and print the Ring_Only.stl separately where you can stretch the X,Y axis to make it smaller/bigger - Then glue it. With the clean one you can also Glue the middle finger if you wanna piss off your partner.
No AMS is required for any part.
All Back & Front parts require supports.
Print shell twice also requires supports.
Core can use supports, not mandatory.
Switch filaments mid-print or use AMS to color the eyes.
Printing the mouth is optional.
Eyes/Cheeks back are placed in the Back part.
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