3D Printed Super Twisty Oreo Spinner

3D Printed Super Twisty Oreo Spinner by WoodRat

Printed On Bambu Lab X1-Carbon Using Filament eSun PLA+

Printed without Supports, Printed without Rafts, Infill 30 %

Twist this cookie the same way that you would twist an actual Oreo! The clicky result is super satisfying.


  1. Start with one wafer upside-down. Then glue the filling ring to the wafer. The ridge on top of the ring should be facing up.

  2. Assemble the two halves of the center gear. The top of the gear has a small indentation where the two halves connected. If you twist the two halves, the teeth of the gear should move with the top surface.

  3. Glue the gear to the upside-down wafer in this orientation.

  4. Glue the remaining wafer to the top surface of the gear.